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T5T8 fluorescent lamp manufacturers to let you know whether LED purification lights are potential retinal damage


After several years of rapid development, LED lamps and lanterns have been comprehensively popularized with the support of the government, energy conservation, environmental protection and long service life, etc., entering the market of lamps and lanterns, from chandeliers to lamps and lanterns, more than half of which are LED lamps. However, there is a recent claim that LED energy-saving lamps may cause damage to people's eyesight. Message a superior said different, so the industry is generally optimistic about the LED lamps -LED purification lamp whether there is a hidden danger of damage to the retina, light up a little good for your eyes?

Stroboscopic vision harmful to man, some people when choosing LED to purify the light, like the clever take out mobile phone camera, shooting on the LED lamps and lanterns, details see the stroboscopic of lamps and lanterns, said the LED not purifying lamp, stroboscope, harmful to the people vision, and so on, but if he use the same method to detect we must direct close watch TV, movie screen? These all have strobes! Of course, exceed the standard of stroboscopic is really because of some production manufacturer power design or cut corners produced, as long as in accordance with the national standards of production power, reasonable stroboscopic is not affected by vision.



Is the LED blue light of manufacturer of T5T8 fluorescent lamp harmful to human eyesight? No matter what light source you use, blue light exists. Blue light is a short wavelength, high energy in visible light. These two characteristics determine that it can easily penetrate the protective tissue of our eyes, which is the lens. We also know that in macular disease, the damage is irreversible; Blue light, because it produces more energy, is brighter for light, which is what we're talking about,

However, it will produce a relatively high contrast sensitivity. In this case, too much high-energy light will be emitted at night, and a high contrast sensitivity will be generated. Because blue light is a type of light with a shorter wavelength, it tends to reflect when it passes through the lens. That's why some people can't see clearly when they're driving at night, but they can see clearly during the day, and a lot of it is glare. So try not to look directly at the light source with your eyes, and be careful about how long you use it. Close your eyes every 20-30 minutes and take a break.


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